Friday, October 17, 2008

No Sir

In the USA Today article on Tim Mahoney’s sex scandal. Mahoney is shown saying that he is seriously sorry about sleeping with not only one, but also multiple “affairs”. The author of this article wants the reader to see how sorry he is, but in a way which makes Mahoney seem repetitive and unbelievable. The author does a good job of putting up evidence putting Mahoney in a bad light. It’s apparent though that the author writing the article wanted to make him the bad guy, which might make the article a little biased. Mahoney who was on a family values platform to replace Mark Foley, having an affair, he also has the audacity to say he wasn’t a hypocrite. This definitely looks bad for re-election. Do the people really need one more person high rank in the government who strays from the values on which he is fighting for? Where has the peoples moral gone to, is there any left? When did we start putting hypocrites into powers of position? Mahoney does say that he has done nothing illegal while in office though. While that may be true, when someone is saying that they are promoting good values, wouldn’t it be wise to reflect that in your personal life? When it comes to him allegedly hiring Patricia Allen to keep quiet about the affair in a trade for sex, who knows? Does it matter? The point is that Mahoney did something that went against what he promoted to be for.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Truth

I believe that mass media should only report the news. That's why newspapers were first written, to report what has been going on. Not to interpret and misconstrued what has happened and tell the people a tall tale. When I read a newspaper, I don't want to read about what the writer thinks happened or what they think is wrong. I want to hear the news fact for fact, no extravagant language and no crap. If I wanted to hear about what other people thought about a subject, I would go find it, but when I read a newspaper, I expect news. Also when reporting the news, it's important to not leave anything out to control what the government as well as the media wants us to know. People in countries are far more knowledgeable than Americans.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Politically Ununited

In Michael Gerson’s "Too Small for a Big Crisis", he is arguing that the House of Representatives isn't united on issues that need to be addressed and fixed, such as Americas failing economy. Gerson lays the blame on Nancy Pelosi, whom he claims is unsuccessful. He believes that Pelosi "attacked" economic conservatives saying that it is a "right-wing ideology of anything goes, no supervision, no discipline, no regulation", because she said this Pelosi’s close associates decided against the bill, when originally everyone was for the bill, even the presidential candidates. Since it's so close to election month and the majority of the public didn't like the bill, the republicans and most democrats voted against the bill because they don't want to chance their re-elections. This is true of the House of Representatives, Republicans and Democrats need to focus, unite, and collaborate to fix the economic problem we are faced with, ridiculous politics should stay out of it. Sometimes it's better to go against what the public thinks it wants and go with what needs to be done to fix the problem. When the House decides to get it together and actually start working on problems instead of "high school drama", the country would be in much better shape.