Friday, October 17, 2008

No Sir

In the USA Today article on Tim Mahoney’s sex scandal. Mahoney is shown saying that he is seriously sorry about sleeping with not only one, but also multiple “affairs”. The author of this article wants the reader to see how sorry he is, but in a way which makes Mahoney seem repetitive and unbelievable. The author does a good job of putting up evidence putting Mahoney in a bad light. It’s apparent though that the author writing the article wanted to make him the bad guy, which might make the article a little biased. Mahoney who was on a family values platform to replace Mark Foley, having an affair, he also has the audacity to say he wasn’t a hypocrite. This definitely looks bad for re-election. Do the people really need one more person high rank in the government who strays from the values on which he is fighting for? Where has the peoples moral gone to, is there any left? When did we start putting hypocrites into powers of position? Mahoney does say that he has done nothing illegal while in office though. While that may be true, when someone is saying that they are promoting good values, wouldn’t it be wise to reflect that in your personal life? When it comes to him allegedly hiring Patricia Allen to keep quiet about the affair in a trade for sex, who knows? Does it matter? The point is that Mahoney did something that went against what he promoted to be for.

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